Snow Pavement


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SKU: snowpavement



The Missouri Botanical Garden has this about ‘Snow Pavement’:
“Pavement Series roses are compact, low-growing rugosa roses that are typically grown in beds or borders as ground covers or along paths or sidewalks as low hedges/edging. They are repeat bloomers and are noted for their excellent vigor and disease resistance. ‘Snow Pavement’ typically grows 2.5’ tall with a dense, upright, rounded habit. Fragrant, double white flowers bloom in May with respectable repeat bloom throughout the summer into autumn. Flowers open blush pink but gradually change to white. Large and showy rose hips appear in autumn. Dark green foliage. From Germany. Baum, 1986. Additional named cultivars in the Pavement Series of roses come in white, pink, purplish-pink, red and purplish-red rose colors. “
We love the fragrance, the compact growth habit and the red hips which are often present beside the white flowers—lovely!  RVR also has ‘Pink Pavement’ and ‘Purple Pavement’ in addition to ‘Snow Pavement’.
White, near white or white blend Hybrid Rugosa.
Bred by Karl Baum (Germany, before 1984).

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 3 × 3 in
Bloom Size

Bloom Type






Decade Introduced



Disease Resistance

Special Uses

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Growth Habit
