Pam’s Choice™


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SKU: Pam'sChoi00001 Category:



Photo and Comments by Paul Barden
This 2010 introduction is a relatively small flowered Floribunda-style shrub with classically formed lavender blooms that have a soft tan center when half open and blush a rich plum color on the outer petals as they age. The color combination is inherited from both its parents, ‘Suntan Beauty’ and ‘Lavender Pinocchio’ and, is often quite remarkable and always pleasing.

The bloom color is superb as a cut flower if brought indoors as a fairly tight (1/3 open) bud. Blooms come in clusters of three or more, with occasional one-to-a-stem blooms. There is a mild fragrance at times, but as the blooms mature the scent dissipates quickly. Don’t cut this plant back hard because it is very generous with lateral shoots on its older canes, giving a maximum of bloom when pruned lightly, as a shrub rose. Like many other roses, it will not be as copious with flowering later in the season if allowed to set seed (which it does readily) so be sure to deadhead it to get the most out of it. Fortunately ‘Pam’s Choice’ has improved vigor over both of its parents and will quickly build up a respectable 4 X 4 foot shrub in good soil. Disease resistance has been very good in our experience, but resistance will vary depending on how much of a problem Blackspot is where you garden. This is a Limited Edition Introduction. Stock is in very short supply.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 3 × 3 in