Mrs William Paul is a fairly typical Moss shrub of the Victorian period. The identity of this cultivar, however, is very much under question, as the original descriptions state clearly that it should be a repeat blooming rose, while this variety is non-remontant. That aside, whatever this rose is, its a beauty and certainly as good as any of the finest Mosses of its genre. The bush is full, upright and VERY vigorous, with beautiful foliage, good disease resistance and of course, superb clear pink blooms. The buds are very well mossed and have that wonderful balsam scent that most mosses do. The blooms themselves have a very strong Old Rose fragrance. All in all, this is a very fine Moss, and in many ways a better version of the standard R. centifolia muscosa, or Common Moss. Photo and Comments Copyright 2007 Paul Barden and The Uncommon Rose
Introduced in 1869.