Bred by Paul Barden in 2003, introduced in 2011
Mel’s Heritage is that rarity in rosedom , a continuously, prolifically reblooming rambler capable of reaching 20’ or being held to 8’. Here, at Rogue Valley Roses, in our Zone 8 climate, it is also evergreen. Best of all, the voluptuous, coral-pink bloom clusters are also fragrant. This rose is capable of providing most elegant screening along a fence, over an unsightly object or cascading down a bank. It can be used for ground cover, a pillar, or an arch. Mel’s is very vigorous and fully resistant to blackspot, mildew, and rust.
Mel’s Heritage was named by it’s creator, Paul Barden, for Mel Hulse, one of the founders of the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden which is one of the important repository gardens for rare roses in this country. Rogue Valley Roses also has available the Mel Hulse rose, also created by Paul to honor this tirelessly enthusiastic rose lover. Paul developed the rose in 2003, but, this listing in 2011 marks the first date of commercial availability. Rogue Valley Roses plans to contribute a portion of sales to the San Jose Heritage Garden.
Thanks to Masha McLaughlin for the use of her photo.