Lupe’s Buttons


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SKU: Lupe'sButtons00001



This is a lovely Hybrid Musk that begins with apricot buds and opens white with greater or lesser degrees of apricot and pink blush, depending on the season. The 6×6 shrub is literally covered with glossy very disease resistant foliage and nonstop bloom all season long. The inflorescenses hold as many as 150 blooms. Long climbing canes appear late in the fall in warmer climates. Rogue Valley Roses is pleased to present this lovely rose as a Limited Edition rose for Spring of 2009. Lupe’s Buttons was discovered by Mel Hulse, one of the staunchest volunteers and board members, as an adventitous seedling in 2004 at the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden. For those who may be unfamiliar this garden has the largest number of rose varieties of any public garden in the Western Hemisphere. Mel was instrumental in planting and sustaining this significant collection until his death last spring. We are very grateful to Mel for the gift of our mother plants and to David Giroux for bringing them up to us. We will be sending the SJHRG a donation for each plant that we sell of Lupe’s Buttons and of Paul Barden’s Mel Hulse rose. We are happy to remember Mel in this way, and to, in a small way, contribute to the continued existence of this important garden. Photo copyright Teena Davis 2008.

Discovered in 2008.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 3 × 3 in