As a garden shrub, ‘Little Darling’ still measures up against many modern Floribundas and is well worth growing. With a mature height of 3 to 5 feet (depending on climate) it produces beatutifully formed 3 inch blooms singly and in clusters of 7 or more. There is a pleasant, but not overly intense fragrance. All in all, ‘Little Darling’ is an excellent garden shrub that will provide lots of bloom with a minimum of care and fuss. For hybridizers who want to try their hand at creating some beautiful Floribundas or Miniatures, ‘Little Darling’ is still an excellent choice as a seed parent, and will produce some excellent offspring. Hardy to Zone 5 in a protected location. Photo and Comments Copyright 2007 Paul Barden and The Uncommon Rose
Introduced in 1956.