Paul Barden has this to say. “Linda Campbell is considered to be a breakthrough in Rugosa breeding. There is no other Rugosa hybrid with such brilliant, clear red coloring and sheer volume of bloom! This is a large shrub, capable of reaching at leat 6 feet in height, and somewhat wider. Often it produces clusters of brilliant red blooms with as many as 25 individual blossoms per stem! This is an ideal candidate for making a specimen shrub in a lawn, or as a showpiece for focal attention. I have seen the original plant of Linda Campbell at Sequoia Nursery, and it is truly spectacular when in full bloom. The foliage is quite healthy, with little or no tendancy to Blackspot. For me, it has been disease free. This is a fine large shrub that deserves to be more widely grown. Truly outstanding!” Patent 8199 April 13 1993 Ralph Moore Photo copyright 2008 Paul Barden
Introduced in 1991.