Jeri Jennings™


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SKU: JeriJenning2 Categories: ,



This is one of the finest roses from Paul Barden’s breeding program so far. Jeri Jennings is named to honor a dedicated rosarian from California who devotes much of her time and effort to educating people about both modern and Old Roses. Jeri’s passion for roses is contagious. This rose is classed as a Hybrid Musk, a rare addition to the class these days. One parent was ‘Trier’, which was involved in the breeding of many of the early Hybrid Musks. ‘Jeri Jennings’ is every bit a Hybrid Musk, with its graceful arching growth habit, huge clusters of blooms that cover the plant from top to bottom, and one of the sweetest honey-like fragrances we’ve encountered. The Spring flush is truly impressive, with hundreds of golden-orange 2″ blooms nearly hiding the foliage. Subsequent blooms cycles are generally smaller, but the plant is generous with bloom by any standard. Expect a big display in the Fall once the weather begins to cool off. The shrub itself is very attractive with its cascading branches loaded with clusters of up to 20 blooms. In most climates, expect the bush to mature at about 5 to 6 feet tall and similar in width. In warm climates, it could be trained as a small climber. Plant this where it can really shine as a specimen to be admired. Photo and Comment Copyright 2007 Paul Barden and The Uncommon Rose

Introduced in 2007.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 3 × 3 in
Bloom Size

Bloom Type






Decade Introduced


Disease Resistance

Special Uses

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Growth Habit

Shade Tolerance
