‘Etienne’ is a sibling of the ‘black’ Gallica, ‘Rook’, the lighter shade of bloom being more beetroot, or purple, in color. ‘Etienne’ grows a little taller than ‘Rook’, possibly reaching five to six feet in rich soil. Its blooms are mainly cupped but they can open flatter at times. This rose has a good scent but not sweet like a damask. The fragrance is, instead, a unique Gallica herbal aroma.
‘Etienne’ is a very hardy rose that requires no spraying to remain healthy. It is the perfect ‘weekend’ rose that needs little attention other than an occasional watering. Etienne, like other Gallicas, needs a period of cold dormancy in order to, reliably, flower well each year.
We are very pleased to have a limited number of plants of this Paul Barden rose to offer for the first time on our website.
Introduced in 2004 by Paul Barden.